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Star Wars: Typography

The Star Wars saga is one of the most iconic movie series ever created. Movie spin-offs and prequels, merchandise and memorabilia – George Lucas has managed to engulf the world in the battle of good vs evil. Now Pete Ware has taken the concept a little further and combined some great quotes from the movie along with iconic art. Elysium Magazine thought the concept was brilliant. Here are a selection of our favourites.


Darth Vader: Return Of The Jedi

Boba Fett:The Empire Strikes Back

Luke Skywalker:The Empire Strikes Back

Han Solo: A New Hope

Yoda: The Empire Strikes Back


What did you think of the typography? Let us know on Twitter. You can find more information on Pete Ware and his art here.

Picture of Sam U.

Sam U.

Sam loves all things style and grooming. He’s passionate about showcasing new technology, helping to tell the story of new businesses and entertainment for the discerning gent.